martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Top 10 !

Everyone had good proposal but I got to admit there were some that catch most my attention. Here are my top 10 blogs.

10- Arshad- - I liked his proposal becuase he is trying to defend his culture and try to make sense of the issues and racism many Muslims go trough.

9- Carlos-  I like his proposal because he has a beneficial plan that grants monthly every veteran and if the veteral has a disabilities grant them a raise.

8- Andy- I like his blog because it was well written and I agree with what he says that Catholics were only just trying to help instead of fight

7- Hector P. - - I like his blog because It went straight to what he wanted to talk about but I have a different opinion; I think the age for the right to vote should be left at 18 because I believe at 16 we are still too young to make such an importanta decision, yes we are matured but we have more to learn.

6- Nelsharry- - I like the way she thinks about everyone and I like here quote '' ...schools they should encourage them to unite"

5- Jan Paul- - It's a good idea where he mentions "Veterans wolud be given a bonus depending on the years they served"

4- Alysha - - She makes a good point where she mentions that everyone is born free & equalAndy

3- Albert M.- - I like when he mentios "not to change the way of thinking not of those who's mind have already been filled, but to those whose minds are just starting to see". It's a very true and strong quote.

2- Stephanie- -I agree with her, not only because we are fighting for the same right, but because she makes a good point when she mentions that all women, depending their circumstances, have the right to justice.


1- Paulette- - She has such an ability to write. I agree 100% with her when she proposes that every senior citizen over the age of 70 shouldn't drive without a passenger over the age of 21. It's true when she says that a senior citizen with disabilities may cause an accident.

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