viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Friend's Critics !

Stephanie Ruiz-

I think her essay is well written and it provides good information about the controversial issues between the Native Americans and Whites. It also had a good beginning and it kept me interested in reading. I agree with her when she mentions that the Indias were fools when they signed the Treaty but also they thought that was the best for them. Over all it was a well written essay.

Jan Paul-

I enjoyed reading his blog because it had an interesting topic and facts to follow along with it. The quote that got most my attention was, " ...which is pretty contradicting, regarding that "America" was based on a land of freedom and religious prosperity." He makes a lot of sense when saying this because America was suppose to be a free land where everyone should feel ''equal''.

Paulette Arquer-

Her essay had a good start and her ideas and points of view make sense but I'm going to have to say that I don't agree with her when she says, ''By choosing assimilation, the Sioux lost all their pride, self-respect and individual identity by conforming to the ways of the whites."  I don't agree with her because I believe the Native Americas fought until the end for their freedom. They were strong and that's something to admire. So I believe they did not lose their pride nor self-respect. Other than that she did a good job in the writing.

Albert Matos-

The topic was interesting and the essay had details. I agree with him when he comments in the end that the Native Americas were just defending themselves and they didn't had any other choice but to use violence. The essay had a lot of supporting details and it was well written.

Hector Rodriguez-

His essay was captivating and it kept me reading. It informed me very well on how the Native Americans assimilated, their harsh times and the violence they suffered. It provides well written information and it's organized well.

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