miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Diary of Aurora Franceschini Sambolín: An Italian Farm Worker

February 25, 1907
New Orleans

Dear Diary,

It's been 3 months since we've been here in the United States. Everything is so different, the cultures, the languages, the people...absolutely everything. I still can't get adjusted. Where I come from in Italy, me and my family were the high class family. We owned lands, we had money. All of a sudden...it vanished. All I can remember is papa telling us we needed to move as soon as we could to the US. He explained things were going to change, that our lifestyle could never be the same again but I never imagined it was going to be this hard. Nobody told me that I was going to be doing labor work; that's not something I'm used to.

Just as soon as we arrived, they immediately put us to work. We were separated from each other. I was a 16 year old girl put to labor work. Can you imagine that?! It was a nightmare.

Here we are arriving at the US in November 1906.

March 3rd, 1907.
New Orleans

Dear Diary, 

Today's work was tought. I still can't adapt myself to do manual work; it has become a challenge for me. We started a new field and the boss wanted every crop in perfect conditions. The rays of the sun strikingly hitting my skin, I was in pain. By noon, the day didn't get any better. One of the American girls was talking behind my back. To be honest I really didn't care because if I let every comment about me and where I come from bother me I wouldn't be here right now. By sundown, boss still had us in the field, sweating & working hard; one the youngest girl died because of dehydration. As if he cared, he just looked mad, and told us to keep on working.

Shown in the picture you can see where my little sister, Anastasia, & I did all the labor work and farming. Out boss is the riding the horse and the remaining people were also workers, also too immigrants.

By 9o'clock I was finally back home my papa was waiting up for me, as he usually does. The highlight of my everyday now is getting home to my papa and sitting on his lap while he narrates stories about our family past.

My loving family 12 years ago, that's me on top of daddy's lap and my baby sister, Anastasia. As it was back then, is still now!

March 10th, 1907
New Orleans

Dear Diary, 

My sunny bright day is becoming gloomier and gloomier by the second. To start off things I have to go to work today while leaving my papa sick in bed. I don't like seeing him this way, it breaks my heart watching how he's getting sicker and sicker. He's been like this for over 4 weeks now and mama already lost hope but I still have a little faith left in me.

I went to work as usual but only for the reason of earning my pay so I can buy a redeem for papa. I huried up working, I couldn't concentrate well knowing I might loose my papa any second. Plus to top things off, work today was horrible. The labor work was extra hard and that meant more hours, but it was all done with love for papa! 

 At my usual timing arrival there was a sudden silence in the house; I could feel the tension. All that went trough my mind was that papa was gone. I started crying, but mama knew better and she inform me that yes he was here physically but mentatally he was gone. Mama mentioned to Anastasia and me that we needed to prepare ourselves for when the moment came. That night was one a sleepless night.

March 13, 1907
New Orleans

Dear Diary,

The worst has happened. Last night papa went to sleep and never woke up again. I was all sobs, I felt like something that meant the world to me had been ripped off my heart. I didn't feel like going to work today, although I knew it meant life threatening, I still took the risk. It was my papa, even the boss couldn't be that heart less, I think.

Papa was well know in the little community we live in. Everyone found out and payed a visit between the hours of the day. I couldn't let go of the old photograph of my papa and I. Everytime I looked at it, it was as if he were here with me. I knew I was never going to see him againg but the memories are worth having and papa will always be present in my heart. He is now my guardian angel.

March 29, 1907
New Orleans

Dear Diary,

I know it's been a while since I've written but honestly I haven't been in the mood. Ever since papa passed away everything is just not the same. I miss coming home and sitting on his lap while he narrated a new story everyday. I miss his hugs, his kisses, his loving way of brightening everything and managing to put a smile on my face. I know mama is trying her hardest but I'm not as close as I was to papa. Right now, I feel alone, abandoned! I plan on making more money and starting my own new life, away from this place that only brings bad and sad memories. For now...this is it !

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