lunes, 18 de abril de 2011


After all their hard work, after all their fighting, protesting it was all worth it in the end. Women had fought their way into freedom and equality against men in this world for a long time. It was about time that we, women, had our fairness.

Differente types of law have being pass for women. There is the law that gives us the right to vote, the law that protects us against any danger or abuse of any type and the most known the custody law.

When a women gets a divorce from her husband and they have a child the situation gets complicated. The child's future depends on whom his custody he's granted. Most of the time the mother gets the custody but there are cases in which the father is best suited for the role.

Another law is Law #54, which is the law that protects women against any type of abuse; that includes physical and emotional. If any women in abused, she has the right to take the abuser to court and put him/her in jail. There are some cases in which this law does not apply to some women.

Abuse against women is rising in numbers as time goes on, this law is very important and I believe it should count for every women, I propose that the government should include all women, economic stable or not. I believe it's not fair that if a women is abuse and just because she doesn't apply for the law there is nothing she can do about it. Women are women, we are all equal...she should all count.

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