Everyone had good proposal but I got to admit there were some that catch most my attention. Here are my top 10 blogs.
10- Arshad- http://arshad-ah11a.blogspot.com/ - I liked his proposal becuase he is trying to defend his culture and try to make sense of the issues and racism many Muslims go trough.
9- Carlos- http://qeehai.blogspot.com/ I like his proposal because he has a beneficial plan that grants monthly every veteran and if the veteral has a disabilities grant them a raise.
8- Andy- http://andres06-andy.blogspot.com/- I like his blog because it was well written and I agree with what he says that Catholics were only just trying to help instead of fight
7- Hector P. - http://sayhellogoodbyeoutloud.blogspot.com/ - I like his blog because It went straight to what he wanted to talk about but I have a different opinion; I think the age for the right to vote should be left at 18 because I believe at 16 we are still too young to make such an importanta decision, yes we are matured but we have more to learn.
6- Nelsharry- http://sharryknowsit.blogspot.com/ - I like the way she thinks about everyone and I like here quote '' ...schools they should encourage them to unite"
5- Jan Paul- http://jpah11.blogspot.com/ - It's a good idea where he mentions "Veterans wolud be given a bonus depending on the years they served"
4- Alysha - http://www.alyidel.blogspot.com/ - She makes a good point where she mentions that everyone is born free & equalAndy
3- Albert M.- http://www.jujomonkey.blogspot.com/ - I like when he mentios "not to change the way of thinking not of those who's mind have already been filled, but to those whose minds are just starting to see". It's a very true and strong quote.
2- Stephanie- http://www.tefiruiz01.blogspot.com/ -I agree with her, not only because we are fighting for the same right, but because she makes a good point when she mentions that all women, depending their circumstances, have the right to justice.
1- Paulette- http://www.imagineaheartshapedbox.blogspot.com/ - She has such an ability to write. I agree 100% with her when she proposes that every senior citizen over the age of 70 shouldn't drive without a passenger over the age of 21. It's true when she says that a senior citizen with disabilities may cause an accident.
Get in Touch with SRS
martes, 19 de abril de 2011
lunes, 18 de abril de 2011
After all their hard work, after all their fighting, protesting it was all worth it in the end. Women had fought their way into freedom and equality against men in this world for a long time. It was about time that we, women, had our fairness.
Differente types of law have being pass for women. There is the law that gives us the right to vote, the law that protects us against any danger or abuse of any type and the most known the custody law.
When a women gets a divorce from her husband and they have a child the situation gets complicated. The child's future depends on whom his custody he's granted. Most of the time the mother gets the custody but there are cases in which the father is best suited for the role.
Another law is Law #54, which is the law that protects women against any type of abuse; that includes physical and emotional. If any women in abused, she has the right to take the abuser to court and put him/her in jail. There are some cases in which this law does not apply to some women.
Abuse against women is rising in numbers as time goes on, this law is very important and I believe it should count for every women, I propose that the government should include all women, economic stable or not. I believe it's not fair that if a women is abuse and just because she doesn't apply for the law there is nothing she can do about it. Women are women, we are all equal...she should all count.
Differente types of law have being pass for women. There is the law that gives us the right to vote, the law that protects us against any danger or abuse of any type and the most known the custody law.
When a women gets a divorce from her husband and they have a child the situation gets complicated. The child's future depends on whom his custody he's granted. Most of the time the mother gets the custody but there are cases in which the father is best suited for the role.
Another law is Law #54, which is the law that protects women against any type of abuse; that includes physical and emotional. If any women in abused, she has the right to take the abuser to court and put him/her in jail. There are some cases in which this law does not apply to some women.
Abuse against women is rising in numbers as time goes on, this law is very important and I believe it should count for every women, I propose that the government should include all women, economic stable or not. I believe it's not fair that if a women is abuse and just because she doesn't apply for the law there is nothing she can do about it. Women are women, we are all equal...she should all count.
jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
Change Is Good
As a start of change, women all around the world have started developing organizations and groups between each to create support among themselves. Like mostly is known, women haven't always been treated nicely and fairly. We've been considered minor, another one of the group...less than. For years, women have been trying to change that statement ''that women can't be considered equal as men.''
One of the most important and historical change was when women in the past achieved the right to vote and it was then created the 19th Amendment which is " the right to vote for women ''.
The Femenist Majority Foundation is one of the largests groups in the US whose mission is to create new strategies for women's equality. It's principles are based on treating everyone equal, meaning men,women,boys & girls. They support not only women but they also care about gay's freedom and rights. So this organization is a very supportive group which has their arms open for everyone.
One of the major steps that the FMF has taken is supporting abortion. They chose to support it because even though abortion is something hard and sinful to do but they do understand that there are consequences in which abortion has to be the only right choice. Another support the FMF provides is the use of Birth Control. In the past women were prohibited to use birth controls but as time passed things obviously changed.
As well as other changes, the FMF supports anti violence for women, education for women, supports the research for the cure for Cancer and other issues women face.
One of the most important and historical change was when women in the past achieved the right to vote and it was then created the 19th Amendment which is " the right to vote for women ''.
The Femenist Majority Foundation is one of the largests groups in the US whose mission is to create new strategies for women's equality. It's principles are based on treating everyone equal, meaning men,women,boys & girls. They support not only women but they also care about gay's freedom and rights. So this organization is a very supportive group which has their arms open for everyone.
One of the major steps that the FMF has taken is supporting abortion. They chose to support it because even though abortion is something hard and sinful to do but they do understand that there are consequences in which abortion has to be the only right choice. Another support the FMF provides is the use of Birth Control. In the past women were prohibited to use birth controls but as time passed things obviously changed.
As well as other changes, the FMF supports anti violence for women, education for women, supports the research for the cure for Cancer and other issues women face.
martes, 12 de abril de 2011
Women's Liberty
Women, we' re not violent....well at least most of us aren't. When we want a change, or fix some sort of issue we just try to comunicate peacefully.
When women started to fight for their freedom, they used some of the same methods men and other groups did as sel-defense. Women mostly gathered in a nearby location as just stayed there and protest and spoke what they had to say without taking a NO from anyone. Others as well formed organizations, like for example the National Organization for Women (NOW). But when it was too much the women did strike back and faught !
When women started to fight for their freedom, they used some of the same methods men and other groups did as sel-defense. Women mostly gathered in a nearby location as just stayed there and protest and spoke what they had to say without taking a NO from anyone. Others as well formed organizations, like for example the National Organization for Women (NOW). But when it was too much the women did strike back and faught !
I read that women used to chain themselves as form of protest, sometimes they would even be as violent as men. Most importantly women never let each one down, they always stuck together and fought until they last drop of blood for their freedom....our freedom !
viernes, 8 de abril de 2011
What Can I do? Plenty, Sister !
'' So long as the women are not free, the people are not free! '' If men can be free, why can't women? We both live in the same planet, why can't we share it the same way...we are equal!
During the 1800's women started to rebel and protesting for what was right and fair. Women protested for their right to vote, right to work, right to speak up, etc. It was not easy for them but they fought until their last breath until finally acquiring their freedom and equality. Nowadays, still women are not completely treated equally but we've come a long way.
In 1869, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mot started The National Woman Suffrage Association after traveling to London for a World Anti-Slavery Convection. Both women were mad because they were denied the right to speak. The NWSA were against the 14th & 15th amendments because they left out women. Also it did promote easier divorce and end to discrimination.
In 1890, the American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA) joined the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) and it became the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) led by Cady.
The NAWSA went through the entire US campaigning for women's right to vote. The NAWSA were successful. Colorado was the first state to gain the right to vote for women. Many states followed as well. In the end, in 1920 the 19th Amendment was passed. It granted the right to vote for women all over US.
Until this day, women have been treated equally thanks to those women who in the past had the courage to stand up and take a stand. Though there are still some places that discriminate women, so far it's been fair. I admire women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
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Harry Osborn, Two More Bright Spots on the Map, Maryland Suffrage News (14th November, 1914) |
During the 1800's women started to rebel and protesting for what was right and fair. Women protested for their right to vote, right to work, right to speak up, etc. It was not easy for them but they fought until their last breath until finally acquiring their freedom and equality. Nowadays, still women are not completely treated equally but we've come a long way.
In 1869, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mot started The National Woman Suffrage Association after traveling to London for a World Anti-Slavery Convection. Both women were mad because they were denied the right to speak. The NWSA were against the 14th & 15th amendments because they left out women. Also it did promote easier divorce and end to discrimination.
In 1890, the American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA) joined the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) and it became the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) led by Cady.
The NAWSA went through the entire US campaigning for women's right to vote. The NAWSA were successful. Colorado was the first state to gain the right to vote for women. Many states followed as well. In the end, in 1920 the 19th Amendment was passed. It granted the right to vote for women all over US.
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The National American Women Suffrage Association |
Until this day, women have been treated equally thanks to those women who in the past had the courage to stand up and take a stand. Though there are still some places that discriminate women, so far it's been fair. I admire women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
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Lou Rogers, Tearing off the Bonds Judge Magazine, 19th October, 1912 |
martes, 5 de abril de 2011
Equality for WOMEN !
Do you consider yourself equal? Men have the tendency to feel superior to us women and society has us pictured as the ''weaker sex'' which we are NOT ! In the past, women weren't considered equal to men. GOD made us equal and we have to start fighting for our rights. As well as the famous quotes says, '' us women can do as much as men can ...and we can do them in high heels ;)''
Society has formed various groups which purose is women's right. Here are some links which can provide more information to their organizations:
National Organization for Women or NOW http://www.now.org/history/
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was established in 1966. It's purpose is to fight for women's freedom, liberty and equality in the US and in the world. This groups gets a lot of support and attention due to the fact that women's right used to be a big issue in the past and still today. Us women deserve the same rights, the same treatment we deserve EQUALITY to men. NOW has a total of 500,000 members, 500 campus all around the US and in the District of Columbia. Each and every one of its members have the same goal and vision and it has been the same for the past 45years.
As well as NOW, other foundations have being formed establishing the same goal for women in the US and all over the world.
The Feminist Majority Foundation or FMF http://feminist.org/
The Feminists Majority Foundation has the same goals and vision as NOW. It was established in 1987 by former NOW President, Eleanor Smeal. The FMF is dedicated to to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence.
Younger Women's Task Force http://www.ywtf.org/ywtf/home.aspx
The Younger Women's Task Force is a diverse, nationwide group organized for young women to start taking action and fight for issues that matter most and are worth raising your voice for.
Society has formed various groups which purose is women's right. Here are some links which can provide more information to their organizations:
National Organization for Women or NOW http://www.now.org/history/
The National Organization for Women (NOW) was established in 1966. It's purpose is to fight for women's freedom, liberty and equality in the US and in the world. This groups gets a lot of support and attention due to the fact that women's right used to be a big issue in the past and still today. Us women deserve the same rights, the same treatment we deserve EQUALITY to men. NOW has a total of 500,000 members, 500 campus all around the US and in the District of Columbia. Each and every one of its members have the same goal and vision and it has been the same for the past 45years.
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Founders of the National Organization for Women (1966) |
The Feminist Majority Foundation or FMF http://feminist.org/
The Feminists Majority Foundation has the same goals and vision as NOW. It was established in 1987 by former NOW President, Eleanor Smeal. The FMF is dedicated to to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence.
Younger Women's Task Force http://www.ywtf.org/ywtf/home.aspx
The Younger Women's Task Force is a diverse, nationwide group organized for young women to start taking action and fight for issues that matter most and are worth raising your voice for.
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011
Friend's Critics !
Stephanie Ruiz- http://www.tefiruiz01.blogspot.com/
I think her essay is well written and it provides good information about the controversial issues between the Native Americans and Whites. It also had a good beginning and it kept me interested in reading. I agree with her when she mentions that the Indias were fools when they signed the Treaty but also they thought that was the best for them. Over all it was a well written essay.
Jan Paul- http://jpah11.blogspot.com/
I enjoyed reading his blog because it had an interesting topic and facts to follow along with it. The quote that got most my attention was, " ...which is pretty contradicting, regarding that "America" was based on a land of freedom and religious prosperity." He makes a lot of sense when saying this because America was suppose to be a free land where everyone should feel ''equal''.
Paulette Arquer- http://www.imagineaheartshapedbox.blogspot.com/
Her essay had a good start and her ideas and points of view make sense but I'm going to have to say that I don't agree with her when she says, ''By choosing assimilation, the Sioux lost all their pride, self-respect and individual identity by conforming to the ways of the whites." I don't agree with her because I believe the Native Americas fought until the end for their freedom. They were strong and that's something to admire. So I believe they did not lose their pride nor self-respect. Other than that she did a good job in the writing.
Albert Matos- http://www.jujomonkey.blogspot.com/
The topic was interesting and the essay had details. I agree with him when he comments in the end that the Native Americas were just defending themselves and they didn't had any other choice but to use violence. The essay had a lot of supporting details and it was well written.
Hector Rodriguez- http://www.weeklyhistorynews.blogspot.com/
His essay was captivating and it kept me reading. It informed me very well on how the Native Americans assimilated, their harsh times and the violence they suffered. It provides well written information and it's organized well.
I think her essay is well written and it provides good information about the controversial issues between the Native Americans and Whites. It also had a good beginning and it kept me interested in reading. I agree with her when she mentions that the Indias were fools when they signed the Treaty but also they thought that was the best for them. Over all it was a well written essay.
Jan Paul- http://jpah11.blogspot.com/
I enjoyed reading his blog because it had an interesting topic and facts to follow along with it. The quote that got most my attention was, " ...which is pretty contradicting, regarding that "America" was based on a land of freedom and religious prosperity." He makes a lot of sense when saying this because America was suppose to be a free land where everyone should feel ''equal''.
Paulette Arquer- http://www.imagineaheartshapedbox.blogspot.com/
Her essay had a good start and her ideas and points of view make sense but I'm going to have to say that I don't agree with her when she says, ''By choosing assimilation, the Sioux lost all their pride, self-respect and individual identity by conforming to the ways of the whites." I don't agree with her because I believe the Native Americas fought until the end for their freedom. They were strong and that's something to admire. So I believe they did not lose their pride nor self-respect. Other than that she did a good job in the writing.
Albert Matos- http://www.jujomonkey.blogspot.com/
The topic was interesting and the essay had details. I agree with him when he comments in the end that the Native Americas were just defending themselves and they didn't had any other choice but to use violence. The essay had a lot of supporting details and it was well written.
Hector Rodriguez- http://www.weeklyhistorynews.blogspot.com/
His essay was captivating and it kept me reading. It informed me very well on how the Native Americans assimilated, their harsh times and the violence they suffered. It provides well written information and it's organized well.
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